CODE Program

2-10(Education Program – Teaching Assistant)

Chiba University has launched a new design education program which aims to nurture global designers who could succeed anywhere in the world with the collaboration of 3 different types of design education of USA, Europe, and Japan.

The program aims to nurture a being who will be in the leading position of Japan’s future creative industry especially areas in service (computer system and software) and contents of business (game, animation, and products) The program will recruit promising young students from all over the world of those who are apt to succeed in the creative industry and nurture those students to create the future of the industry. CODE program provides various types of programs which the students are able to choose one that best suits them.

The program is supported by Re-Inventing Japan Project TYPE B-II※which is one of Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology’s Support Program for Improving University Education adopted in 2011.

※Type B-II is a program which practices education partnership exchange programs among universities in Europe and Australia aside from America.